Portuguese 1.4. Cardinal Numbers

Let us learn the cardinal numbers and counting in Portuguese. Here, we will learn how to count from 1 to 10 and beyond in Portuguese.

um, uma1vinte e um21duzentos/-as200
dois, duas2vinte e dois22trezentos/-as300
três3vinte e três23quatrocentos/-as400
cinco5trinta e um31seiscentos/-as600
seis6trinta e dois32setecentos/-as700
sete7trinta e três33oitocentos/-as800
nove9quarenta e um41mil1.000
dez10quarenta e dois42dois mil2.000
onze11cinquenta50três mil3.000
doze12cinquenta e um51dez mil10.000
treze13cinquenta e dois52cem mil100.000
quatorze14sessenta60cem mil e um100.001
quinze15setenta70cem mil e dez100.010
dezesseis16oitenta80um milhão1.000.000
dezessete17noventa90dois milhões2.000.000
dezoito18cem100dez milhões10.000.000
dezenove19cento e um101mil milhões (or) um bilhão1.000.000.000
vinte20cento e dois102dois bilhões2.000.000.000

The Number “0

The number “0” in Portuguese is “zero,” pronounced as “ze-ro.”

Numbers 1-999

The numbers “one” and “two” have distinct forms for masculine and feminine.

Numbers 16-19 are formed by contracting the combination of the tens and the units (dez + e + “seis, sete, … etc.”) into (dezesseis, dezessete, … etc.). Notice the doubling of the “s” in “dezesseis” and “dezessete,” and the dropping of “e” in “dezoito.”

The multiples of hundred (200-900) can have a masculine “-os” or a feminine “-as” ending depending on the nouns they describe, e.g., “duzentos livros(200 books), “duzentas maçãs(200 apples).

The word “cem” refers to the number 100 or thousand multiples of the number 100, e.g., “cem” (100), “cem mil” (100.000), “cem milhões” (100.000.000), etc.

Otherwise, if preceded or followed by a number, “cento” or “centos” must be used instead, e.g., “cento e um” (101), “trezentos” (300), etc.

The conjunction “e” meaning “and” is used between tens and units, either explicitly as in “trinta e quatro” (34) or in contracted form as in “dezenove” (19), i.e., “dez + e + nove.”

The conjunction “e” is used between hundreds and tens and between thousands and hundreds, e.g., “quatrocentos e cinquenta e um”(451), but not bewteen thousands and hundreds, e.g., “mil novecientos e cinquenta” (1950). However, we insert an “e” if the number is an exact multiple of one hundred, e.g., “mil e novecientos” (1900).

Thousands, Millions, and Beyond

In plural form, “mil” remains the same in singular and plural forms, e.g., “três mil” (3.000), whereas “milhão” becomes “milhões,” e.g., “oito milhões” (8.000.000), “cem milhões” (100.000.000), etc.

We use a comma to separate decimals and a period to separate thousands in Portuguese. For instance, the number 2.155,25 in Portuguese is equivalent to 2,155.25 in English.

When describing items in millions or billions, one must add “de” after “milhão,” “milhões,” “bilhão,” or “bilhões,” e.g., “um milhão de estudantes(a million students), “dois milhões de habitantes(two million inhabitants), etc.

Notice that in Portuguese, we cannot use the English way of expressing years, as in “nineteen eighty-three” (1983); that is, saying “dezenove, oitenta e três” is incorrect. The correct way is to say “mil novecentos e oitenta e três.”

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